One of the major problems that affect your website visibility on the search engine result pages (SERPs) as well as the website’s impression among the audiences is plagiarized, copied or duplicate content.
Hence, the webmasters are under intense pressure to provide quality original content online to ensure that their website is listed on the first page of SERP.
Duplicate Content Management and Its Eminence for Website Business
Duplicate contents adversely affect your website rankings and gradual loss of traffic in the due course. The search engines keep a check on the contents the web pages indexed with them.
If they find duplicate content on a new source with the copied material, then the site is blacklisted and penalized for plagiarism.
Commonly Encountered Duplicate Content Problems
Following are some crucial conditions where website content is considered duplicate.
Multiple URLs Directed to Same Destination:
URL structuring and link building are important tasks for the website designers. Often multiple URLs may direct the visitors to the same web page. The web crawlers may consider this as duplicate content presence on the website.
Printer Version of a Web Page:
Often the webmasters find it reliable to offer a printing facility on their website. Hence, the same page may have two URLs like-
Session IDs of the Web Pages:
Often the website administrators value the return of visitors to the website frequently. In case of eCommerce ventures, the sites may have customized session ID feature that allows the buyers to save searches for purchasing in future.
The website may reveal the web page visited during the last session to the buyer upon his return. Hence, the same webpage may appear with the session id appended URL.
How to Check Duplicate Content
Website Internal Duplicate Content:
Nowadays, duplicate content tracking is not a problem anymore. The web designers and SEO professionals take utmost care during link building so that all the links indexed on the search engines have separate landing pages and contents to prevent identical contents on the different URLs of the same site.
The Copyscape is powerful software found online that allows you to check your entire site for identical contents.
Copied Contents from External Sources:
Sometimes, website owners purchase contents from online marketing companies and content developer firms. Some people sell cheap copied articles to their clients. Hence, as a business owner you may end up putting copied contents on the website thinking it is original.
While purchasing contents, the webmasters can check duplicate content issues by evaluating them on plagiarism checking software at several online sources. Duplichecker, Small SEO tools, and Cynosurex are some reliable platforms to accomplish this task with perfection.
Online marketing is not only limited to link building and social media profile promotion for brands for gaining visibility among niche audience. The task is more complex and elaborate that urges the need of several factors of consideration.
Not only the visitors but also the search engines are looking for accurate and authentic information online.Therefore, it is worth using a reliable duplicate content checker to gain assurance of publishing fresh and unique contents on the website every time.
Apart from compliance with the search engine algorithms for original contents it is also important that the audiences find the information on your website exceptional, impressive and above all useful.