10 Tips To Improve Search Engine Ranking

search engine ranking

When it comes to search engine ranking and getting your website ranked by Google, you must ensure it gets noticed. And, this comes from learning the secrets of using SEO. Adrian is regarded as one of, if not, the best SEO experts out there. We will share all kinds of SEO secrets, and it’s for this reason that you get the secrets you need to ensure your website is successful.

How To Improve Search Engine Ranking

1. On Page SEO

Is the most important process not only for better rankings but also for a successful link building campaign. Every campaign starts from the web site and if your web site is not optimized for both search engines and users, your chances for success are minimized.

2. No Duplicate Content

When it comes to SEO and your website, you want to be sure there are no parts of the site that includes duplicate content. What does it mean by duplicate content? It means no content that’s been copied from other websites. Google’s Panda is an algorithm that can detect all websites and note which sites have duplicated material. When Panda finds the material, it applies a penalization to the majority of cases, affecting website rankings of up to 99 percent.

The more duplicate content a website has on it, the bigger the penalization – and this means the website won’t rank well at all. Even if you change keywords on your website, it’ll do little good in changing the rank. Therefore, you need to double-check your website to ensure it doesn’t contain duplicate content. This can be done by using some free plagiarism websites or copyscape.com.

Be sure your sites have no duplicate content – this means if you have two or more websites, you need material that varies from one another. Shared content means search engines will penalize you for the content, even if you’re the owner of all websites.

3. Use Basic Keywords

When you begin your SEO campaign, you want your keywords to be as basic as possible. No keywords means Google’s “penguin” algorithm will fine the website. Most link building tools automatically includes basic keywords so you don’t have to do this.

4. Don’t Keyword Stuff Your Pages

When you use keywords for your pages, you don’t want to keyword stuff it. If your website is about “weight loss”, be sure the keywords is in the first headline and is the title of the page. For instance: How To Jump Start Your Weight Loss Journey”. Ensure the keyword is located on the page at least two times.

You should never use it more than six times because it looks like you’re stuffing your page with keywords – this is not natural and can penalize your website. A good rule of thumb is to have a page with at least 200 words of content. The best word count is between 500 and 700 words. the more content on a page, the better the ranking.

5. Natural Backlinks with Your SEO Campaign

Be sure you create SEO campaigns with backlinks. You want backlinks to each website page…not just your homepage or several pages from the website. You want things to look naturally in the eyes of Google.

6. High Quality Backlinks

Be sure you have backlinks for your website from high-page ranking sites. Build links from only 5 to 8-plus websites. Google will not rank websites that have low-quality backlinks, which is why you must have high quality links.

7. Acquire Backlinks For Unique, Different Anchor Texts

For example, if you choose keyword like ‘best seo blog’ and you use it for US, then your anchor texts should look like this:

8. Use URL Or Just Plain Website Address In Anchor Text

Many argue what is the proper percentage, but 25% seems to work best. For Example:

9. Use Brand Name And Domain Name In Your Anchor Text

Again around 25% seems to get the job done. For Example:

10. Use Multiple Different Keywords

Our simple tips will help your search engine ranking safely and for long-term success.

Duplication, Keywords and Backlinks: The Secrets That Ensure Your Website Is Ranked By Google

Simply put: don’t use the same content on different web pages, use basic keywords including them in the title, headline and up to two times throughout the page content and create backlinks to all pages from the site. This will help your website to be highly ranked by Google and other search engines.